God wants us to grow in our relationship with Him, and to be connected with others. We know it’s important to be connected, but it’s hard to build lasting friendships.
What if taking one simple step changed everything?
At Purpose Church, ministries are the way we develop spiritually together.
Because we are better together.

Children's Ministry (Purpose Kids) (Nursery - 5th Grade)
Purpose Kids ministry seeks to partner with parents to strengthen what kids know about God and His Word and help them clearly understand the Gospel message. We strive to come alongside parents and help kids treasure God's Word, the only place they will find true answers in a fallen world. Our prayer is that all children would know and love their Savior and cling to the truth that He is the one who rescues.
We invite kids to be part of our church family and realize that discipleship comes from much more than Sunday School. Our desire is that Purpose kids will be known and loved by our church family, be personally involved in serving, connect with kids and adults alike as they transition to the family church service. We want children to know that Purpose Church is a place they can call home. For more information contact Amy Lamson at purposekids@purpose.church

Youth Ministry (6th - 12th Grade)
Community during the teen years is essential. This is why Purpose Church strives to stay actively involved in our middle and high school student's lives. We believe that community is a way for students to challenge one another to grow in their faith and lean on those around them through prayer and encouragement as they face the ups and downs that come from living in a world that's messy.
Purpose Church Youth Group is a place to come with questions and find answers in God's Word. Teens, like adults, aren't called to stand alone; we're called to journey together. We do this through weekly bible studies and plenty of fun and fellowship and special events throughout the year. We play together and serve together with outreach opportunities in our community.
Youth Group at Purpose meets each Wednesday night from 6:30 - 8:00 pm for a time of games, snacks, and studaying God's word. Our youth are welcoming and ready to pull up a chair for new students to join us.
Purpose Church is a place where kids belong. For more information contact Dani Lopez at youthgroup@purpose.church

Women's Ministry
Purpose Women's Ministry is a place to connect and grow through Bible study, prayer, service opportunities, and gatherings throughout the year. We want every woman to find community at Purpose Church, encouragement in their walks with the Lord, and have the opportunity to build friendships with other women.
As we select and participate together in various activities, this verse gives us direction:
. . . and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together . . . but let us encourage one another. Hebrews 10:24-25
We hope you will join us at Bible study and various activities as often as you are able. Together we can encourage one another to grow together in love and good deeds to the glory of God. For more information contact Conni Phillips at conni@purpose.church

Men's Ministry
The purpose of Men's ministry is to support and equip men to embrace Paul's challenge in 1 Timothy 6:11-12 for men to live a life that is growin in their discipleship to Jesus. This growth will impact a man personally as well as his family, work, service, and community relationships.
Men's ministry provides a forum where men engage and learm from other men "fighting the good fight."
Through biblically based studies, teaching, discussionon Men's related issues, fellowship, counsel, and shared experience, Godly men are better prepared to keep moving forward.
"But as for you, O man of God, Flee These things pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love,
steadfatness, gentleness, fight t he good fith of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were
called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:11-12
For more information about the Men's ministry, contact George DelGrosso at george@purpose.church
Base Camp Ministry
Are you a High School grad through 30(ish) years old? Are you looking for a place to grow in Christ, connect with friends, consider significant life-issues through a biblical lens, and find encouragement to meet life head on? Then join us at Base Camp, a place where college and career adults find a foundation to successfully launch into life with Christ and close friends! We meet Wednesday nights at our pastor’s home from 6:30-9:00 p.m. What are you waiting for? Join us at BASE CAMP! Contact brian@purpose.church for the address.

Hands and Feet
The Hands and Feet ministry seeks to partner with brothers and sisters in Christ to come alongside families with encouragement that exemplifies God's love in action. Our prayer is to strengthen relationships with each other and to come around those who have a season where assistance, in some manner, is appreciated. We strive to encourage families through thoughtful service with our Meal Train, Holiday Meal Baskets, and other acts of discipleship. Through service to others, we create new friendships and care for old ones to really make this church family feel like home in times where the little things mean big things. We exhort each other through the storms of life as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.
We invite all ages to light a path to pray with friends, mentor youth, minister to our neighborhoods and assist those in need.
For more information about the Hands and Feet ministry, contact Staci Heins at handsandfeet@purpose.church

Garden Ministry
The Purpose Garden is a community outreach ministry. Our onsite garden is cared for throughout the spring and summer, and it's harvest offers bags of produce for anyone in need. It takes many hands to keep a garden flourishing, and volunteers are always appreciated. Serving together is a wonderful way to help provide fresh produce to those in need, but it also develops community and friendships within our church family.
Set Up / Tear Down
Volunteers help us set up and tear down chairs, signs, drapes, production equipment, and more to get ready for special events. No special skills are required. We’re just people who want to get things done and have a smile doing it.

First Impressions
People may not always remember what you say, but they will always remember how you made them feel. From the moment a person steps onto our campus until the time they leave, First Impressions make people feel welcomed. First Impressions Team offer opportunities to serve before, during, and after service.

Our production team is responsible for the sound, lighting, and video that happens each week. If you are creative, hard-working, and have a passion for visual excellence and details, working behind the scenes with Production might be your next step

Our Worship teams helps bring us into the presence of God every week. If you sing or play an instrument and have a passion for music and worship, follow the contact page for more information.

Our kids are the next generation. Purpose Kids is designed to teach kids about Jesus on their level in a safe, fun, and Christ-honoring environment. Each week infants through 5th grade kids are taught the Bible in a creative, age-appropriate way while building relationships with adult and student volunteers.

Purpose Students exist to reach middle school, high school, and college students, teaching them how to follow Jesus. If you love Jesus, students, and crazy games, Purpose Students is a great place for you to serve.

Facility Maintenance
Purpose Church and offices are located on County Road 11. Several groups meet weekly, as well as our Students and other activities. If you love working with your hands, then our Facility Maintenance team may be a great place to serve.

Our Missions team works both locally and globally. From serving our homeless and community outreaches to helping support missionaries as they spread the message of God’s love to the ends of the earth, if you have a passion for people and the Gospel, then our Missions team is the place for you.

The garden ministry is new and growing. We have been able to give out free produce to those in need in our community through this ministry. Last year we handed out over 200 bags of fresh organic vegetables. We use this ministry to love on others while making a connection with our community, giving us a good foundation to spread the gospel. Come join us, we have lots of fun while getting a little dirty and there are various ways to participate.